

贝博体彩app的湾景可能是这个城市保存得最好的秘密. Let the artists and entrepreneurs making waves in this community welcome you to the neighborhood.

贝博体彩app的 图标 are wonderful and timeless, but they’re only a small part of what makes our city special. Savvy travelers know this; that’s why they spend less time on more traditional 旅游 花更多的时间在自我探索上 社区. 然而,即使是最有经验的人, repeat visitors to San Francisco may not realize that they’re missing out on one of the most innovative and inviting 社区 of the city.

海景区的在美国,空气中弥漫着变革的气息. 人们对新事物感到兴奋, as well as an eagerness to share what residents have long known and treasured: deep community roots that make this neighborhood a 城市的中心.





贝博体彩app湾景有自己独特的历史. As a corner of the city where waterfront access was easy and available, 它在20世纪初成为造船中心. These jobs attracted tens of thousands of Black Americans during the Great Migration.

Jobs and job-seekers continued to multiply with the onset of World War II. 没过多久, 海景区的 had developed into one of the hubs of Black culture and community in San Francisco. 在 post-war era, that community blazed a bold path to the future.

“这个社区有活跃的历史,”他说 马丁·路德·麦考伊他是一名音乐家、艺术家,也是湾景本地人. 他对当地的领导人和积极分子表示钦佩, 几十年来, brought national attention to the issues facing their community and others like it: redlining, 食品不安全, 环境安全, 举几个例子.




Martin is keen on seeing that spirit at work throughout the 海景区的, for the good of the 海景区的. “我们必须开始跳出思维定势,他说, “至于我们如何产生资源并成为一个权力中心, 而不仅仅是一个棋子.”

电力可以在许多地方找到. Dontaye Ball,厨师和老板 秋葵的社会他在厨房里找到了它.

In 2020, during the depths of the pandemic and the outrage that followed the death of George Floyd, Dontaye是那些希望以自己的方式产生影响的人之一. “这个国家发生了很多动荡,他回忆道, “我的论文是秋葵汤可以让人类走到一起. 我想我是对的.”

Dontaye Ball秋葵社交餐厅的主厨兼老板

What began as a series of outdoor pop-ups has since blossomed into a runaway success. You can now find 秋葵的社会 at the Ferry Building’s epic farmers’ market, 像《贝博体彩app》这样的大型节日和活动, 以及他们在第三街的湾景实体店.

秋葵社会的菜单包括其名义上的菜肴丰盛的变化, as well as po’ boys and delicious sides—all with a special San Francisco spin. “我们真的不适合灵魂食品的盒子,”Dontaye说. “我们不适合克里奥尔-卡津人.”


Just up the street from 秋葵的社会, at a busy intersection where multiple 市政行 converge, you’ll find a narrow, unassuming facade set back from the bustling streets. You might think it’s a movie theater or a small playhouse; but, in fact, it’s Old Skool咖啡馆, a jazzy supper club that was the brainchild of 海景区的 resident Teresa Goines.

Old Skool可不是你常去的休息室. 一旦你穿过那些美妙的装饰艺术装饰, you’ll notice that the people running Old Skool are all barely old enough to be out of college. 特蕾莎说,这是有意为之.

她回忆说:“我大学一毕业就当了狱警。. “I worked with young people that were incarcerated, mostly due to gang violence. I was asking them, “What would it really take for you to break out of this whole cycle?” The things I heard were “a sense of community,” and also “a sense of purpose.“这确实是促使我创办Old Skool咖啡馆的原因.”

Teresa Goines, Old Skool咖啡馆的创始人

在餐饮专业人士的指导和指导下, Old Skool’s young staff execute every aspect of the business: serving guests, 接吻的表, 烹饪食物, 提供现场娱乐. The staff gain experience that gives them a look into and a leg up on potential careers. 客人们得到了更多的东西. “[It’s] a space that brings people together to see our young people in a different light,特蕾莎说。, “去了解他们, 学会去爱他们.”

“It’s showing what’s possible when we give young people an opportunity.”


One of the first people to seize that opportunity was 海景区的 native Tiffany Fuller. “我需要一种社区意识,”Tiff说. “当时,我不知道这是我需要的. 但是当你得到你想要的,就像,“我的上帝,我感觉很好. 我到家了. 我舒服.”

Tiff is proud of the fact that she’s “the first graduate” of Old Skool, as well as the first to go on to complete college and get a master’s degree. She remains involved with the cafe and enjoys watching the subsequent generations succeed. “Now they’re going to college and now they’re starting businesses and now they’re doing things with their lives that do affect the community.”


年轻人和老年人都发现他们的梦想在湾景酒店得到了支持. “The community was the reason why I ended up having the opportunity,” says Dontaye. “Folks were really advocating and rooting for me to put some roots in the 海景区的.现在,东泰渴望把它传递出去.

“An opportunity to give opportunity back to people who need opportunity is super-duper special.”


湾景经受住了繁荣的考验, 萧条, and battles for its future—all of which have shaped it into the neighborhood it is today.

马丁说:“这里完全没有‘大城市’的氛围。. “它更像是一个蓝领小镇.”

“当你作为游客来到湾景的时候, 特蕾莎说, “你会受到这个大家庭的欢迎,有一种家的感觉.”

商家新旧线第三街. Old Skool咖啡馆, 哪个比十几岁的员工更年轻, 距离有136年历史的湾景歌剧院只有半个街区. Abandoned shipyard buildings have been repurposed as artist studios and galleries that attract hundreds of visitors. The energy and effort that this community has put into maintaining its institutions while creating new ones inspires. “There’s a lot of really great things working out here,” says Dontaye.

“Even though it’s changed a lot,” says Tiff, “the air in this neighborhood is still the same.”




Find out what to else to see, do, and eat in this incredible neighborhood.



泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, which means you can usually find him at one of 贝博体彩app的 many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油.